If you look back at your life a year ago, where were you?
Have you manifested your dreams and potentials? Have you saved that money you've been promising or bought yourself that new queen size sleigh bed you saw at last years Decorex Show?
I realised lastnight that it all starts with a leap of faith, even when you don't have a clue where to start, begin with the end in mind! We may not know what we want to do forever, but in knowing what you don't want, you'll find what you do!
I'm so blessed that I'm as driven as I am to not land up poor, unsuccessful or dependant on others to the point that I'd rather die trying than just accept mediocrity.
What have you done today to challenge your comfort zones? Have you been promising yourself that you'll get to that holiday getaway but haven't even investigated prices? If you keep doing what you're doing, I guarantee you'll keep getting what you're getting.
People that I speak to about their goals and dreams have this sense of procrastination and excuses that comes from a poverty mentally. "I don't have money", "I don't have time", "I don't know how" - my answer - begin at the beginning - start somewhere, even if its investigating the options. My big brother Robin once advised me, "Explore every opportunity" he doesn't even realise how those words have pushed me to where I am today. Get a quote, do some research, take action!
It begins with a leap of faith, even when the world tells you it can't be done, do it anyway and you'll be surprised by the results. My latest engagement shoot proved just that. I have been supported by Universal Light and Love as I persue my hearts desires. Last year I didn't even own a camera or know what I want to do with my life, today I'm receiving praises from total strangers emailing me with words of encouragement and congratulations - my passion is being recognised - recognise your passion today without limiting beliefs and take action on your dreams because tomorrow may be too late for those who are waiting for you to shine today!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Kylie makes me smile :D
When I met Kylie I can't particularly say that sparks flew or that there was this awe inspiring sound of Angels as the heavens opened around her casting light above her head. In fact it took about a year before Kylie and I starting involving each other in our lives.
Lastnight I met with her for a much needed chat (and glass of vino) to catch up on our lives.
If theres one thing about Kylie its that shes a) dead honest b) has contageous laughter c) knows how to be supportive and a good friend.
I guess the reason she's inspired me so much is because she just isn't afraid to make new contacts and she's got the guts to go that extra mile by means of giving advice or providing you with a solution. Kylie owns her own payroll company (for those needing Divine Intervention by means of Payroll assistance) and is studying psychology. She's the go to girl if you need something and the injection of life I needed yesterday. On top of it all her boyfriend Liam will be assisting me with my website design and hosting and gave me a HUG (highly unexpected gift) by allowing me to get up and running while I get business in ***watch this space for my new website*** - thanks for the hug Liam!!! :D
Kyl's this posting is for you! You've been a great friend and a great support and I thank you for always making the time and effort to get together and to encourage and inspire.
Viva la Vino, girlfriends rule !
Lastnight I met with her for a much needed chat (and glass of vino) to catch up on our lives.
If theres one thing about Kylie its that shes a) dead honest b) has contageous laughter c) knows how to be supportive and a good friend.
I guess the reason she's inspired me so much is because she just isn't afraid to make new contacts and she's got the guts to go that extra mile by means of giving advice or providing you with a solution. Kylie owns her own payroll company (for those needing Divine Intervention by means of Payroll assistance) and is studying psychology. She's the go to girl if you need something and the injection of life I needed yesterday. On top of it all her boyfriend Liam will be assisting me with my website design and hosting and gave me a HUG (highly unexpected gift) by allowing me to get up and running while I get business in ***watch this space for my new website*** - thanks for the hug Liam!!! :D
Kyl's this posting is for you! You've been a great friend and a great support and I thank you for always making the time and effort to get together and to encourage and inspire.
Viva la Vino, girlfriends rule !
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I'm interested in YOU!
**Network Group**
I've decided that in the light of getting to know others better I'm going to be starting a networking group inviting professionals and aspiring groups to get together one evening a month to exchange ideas, inspiration and invite others to visit.
If you would like to be on my board to help me with the committee please let me know by adding your comment or mailing me: tanith@starmail.co.za
Any suggestions for:
1. A suitable evening in the week?
2. A venue?
3. Ideas?
4. How much would you be prepared to pay for a monthly/yearly membership?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
I've decided that in the light of getting to know others better I'm going to be starting a networking group inviting professionals and aspiring groups to get together one evening a month to exchange ideas, inspiration and invite others to visit.
If you would like to be on my board to help me with the committee please let me know by adding your comment or mailing me: tanith@starmail.co.za
Any suggestions for:
1. A suitable evening in the week?
2. A venue?
3. Ideas?
4. How much would you be prepared to pay for a monthly/yearly membership?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Determined to succeed? It starts with attitude!
Yesterday I visited Soccer City for my first World Cup Game.
There lined along the sides of the field were about 60 professional photographers, my heart sank at first, as pessimistic thoughts of "if only" crept into my mind.
I've got a couple of friends that don't even muster up the courage to find new positions or send out their cv's but will complain incessantly about how unhappy they are, and make excuses about how they are doomed before they even start looking!
Realising that there are millions of reasons why we could fail there are millions more reasons why we could and CAN succeed - While there are millions of people who consider themselves up and coming photgraphers (or accountants, or designers, or sailors, or anything really) the ones that go that extra mile, the ones with the staying power are those that make it long term and are successful because their attitude at the beginning of their task determined their success (or failure).
Famous quote for the day : Many of us don't plan to fail, but fail to plan! Harvey MacKay
Your attitude at the beginning of your task will determine your success or failure and Tanith Oram is determined to succeed! Whatever it is you're trying to achieve, it all starts with YOU!
There lined along the sides of the field were about 60 professional photographers, my heart sank at first, as pessimistic thoughts of "if only" crept into my mind.
I've got a couple of friends that don't even muster up the courage to find new positions or send out their cv's but will complain incessantly about how unhappy they are, and make excuses about how they are doomed before they even start looking!
Realising that there are millions of reasons why we could fail there are millions more reasons why we could and CAN succeed - While there are millions of people who consider themselves up and coming photgraphers (or accountants, or designers, or sailors, or anything really) the ones that go that extra mile, the ones with the staying power are those that make it long term and are successful because their attitude at the beginning of their task determined their success (or failure).
Famous quote for the day : Many of us don't plan to fail, but fail to plan! Harvey MacKay
Your attitude at the beginning of your task will determine your success or failure and Tanith Oram is determined to succeed! Whatever it is you're trying to achieve, it all starts with YOU!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Your name goes with you wherever you go!
This weekend I attended the Nikon D5000 full day course that came with my camera purchase.
We all had to introduce ourselves and give some info on our background.
I stood up, stated my name and that some of my friends call me "Wong" because I've been taking photos for so long and always have a camera in my hand. I also stated that I've left my corporate job to pursue my photography career and focus on building my business.
Many people have told me this weekend that going out on my own is a 'brave' thing to do.
I dont know how brave I'm being considering that I'm putting all my faith into the fact that no matter what I sell, at the end of the day I'm the product. My service, my attitude and my professionalism - all ME!
After getting off the phone with a client from a big bank while at work, I took comfort and flattery in her closing comment regarding business I'd done for the company a couple of months ago. She said, "Tanith, you are a good person, and you are a hard worker and I saw that at the event." I realised then that even though I've heard this before and have a dedicated service file for all the compliments I've received while dealing with people, that this time it was the realisation that although this client had a negative experience (due to flooding at the Vaal which affected her event) she was grateful for my attitude and hard work. She has asked me to stay in touch even though I'm leaving the corporate world, your name goes with you wherever you go!
Best the best you can be, you dont know whose watching!
We all had to introduce ourselves and give some info on our background.
I stood up, stated my name and that some of my friends call me "Wong" because I've been taking photos for so long and always have a camera in my hand. I also stated that I've left my corporate job to pursue my photography career and focus on building my business.
Many people have told me this weekend that going out on my own is a 'brave' thing to do.
I dont know how brave I'm being considering that I'm putting all my faith into the fact that no matter what I sell, at the end of the day I'm the product. My service, my attitude and my professionalism - all ME!
After getting off the phone with a client from a big bank while at work, I took comfort and flattery in her closing comment regarding business I'd done for the company a couple of months ago. She said, "Tanith, you are a good person, and you are a hard worker and I saw that at the event." I realised then that even though I've heard this before and have a dedicated service file for all the compliments I've received while dealing with people, that this time it was the realisation that although this client had a negative experience (due to flooding at the Vaal which affected her event) she was grateful for my attitude and hard work. She has asked me to stay in touch even though I'm leaving the corporate world, your name goes with you wherever you go!
Best the best you can be, you dont know whose watching!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Dont forget those who made you famous
Most people in life depend on nothing less than self determination and drive to get them on the road to success. Fortunately there are those who send kindness our way merely by showing love and support, others send referrals, some may post your link on their site, maybe they just take an extra business card saying "I'll make these work for you".
Without these unselfish people showing random acts of kindness, our roads wouldn't necessarily be smoother, but there wouldn't be any colourful flowers scattered alongside them.
My heartfelt thanks to all my friends, family and loved ones that have never ever stopped believing in me, encouraging my every step even when I've thought, "Huh?? What I just did was so small and lame in comparison to what my version of success is." They were always there.
To Craig of Craig Herzberg Graphic Design & my best friend - thank you for making all my photog stickers & stunning business cards (again) and for never ever doubting me...even when I doubted myself.
To my mom and sister whose many conversations included "Dont give up, try this and keep visualising" thanks for being my earth angels.
To my fans on my Facebook photog site that I haven't met, thanks for spreading the love, without you its just that much harder to hit the thermals and soar.
To Gen of Picture Perfect Cakes for putting me on your networking page on your website - mucho gracias sinorita - mwah! **coffee cake!!**
Love you all - watch me grow - thanks for your kind words and emails of feedback, it all means the world to me and makes me wanna be the best photographer I can be.
Without these unselfish people showing random acts of kindness, our roads wouldn't necessarily be smoother, but there wouldn't be any colourful flowers scattered alongside them.
My heartfelt thanks to all my friends, family and loved ones that have never ever stopped believing in me, encouraging my every step even when I've thought, "Huh?? What I just did was so small and lame in comparison to what my version of success is." They were always there.
To Craig of Craig Herzberg Graphic Design & my best friend - thank you for making all my photog stickers & stunning business cards (again) and for never ever doubting me...even when I doubted myself.
To my mom and sister whose many conversations included "Dont give up, try this and keep visualising" thanks for being my earth angels.
To my fans on my Facebook photog site that I haven't met, thanks for spreading the love, without you its just that much harder to hit the thermals and soar.
To Gen of Picture Perfect Cakes for putting me on your networking page on your website - mucho gracias sinorita - mwah! **coffee cake!!**
Love you all - watch me grow - thanks for your kind words and emails of feedback, it all means the world to me and makes me wanna be the best photographer I can be.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Making Friends with Kat

Yesterdays meeting with Kat was awesome, what a wonderfully down to earth and incredibly sweet soul! In our short time chatting together we managed to yak away almost 2 hours of what was meant to be a "quick cuppa" - I love it! Kat is a wedding photographer based in Linden and her work is what I describe as "clean and elegant".
We both shoot off Nikon camera's and reside relatively close to each other so we'll be getting together for some fun engagment / kids and outdoorsy shoots over the next few months as we enrich each others creative skills. ***If you wanna be a model lemme know!***
Thanks Kat for making the time yesterday, I'm very excited to work with you. :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Networking Rocks!
I've realised that not everyone knows how to network - it is in fact like most things that will get you ahead in life - a skill and not always a God given talent.
In the past couple of months and after listing a couple of attributes I've realised that networking is what I do best - I LOVE putting people in touch with those who can help, aid, benefit from each other.
From July 2010 I'll be starting a networking group which will be held at a venue and I'll be inviting fellow professionals and business owners to join in and share their careers and passions and hopefully my list of contacts will allow for much growth and financial gain in the lives of my friends.
I have also decided that fellow photogs are on my list of people to network with. Why should I shy away from the competition when we could work together? Today I have an appointment with wedding photographer Kat Forsyth, I am over the moon that this amazing artist and business woman hasn't only agreed to see me for coffee but has inspired me through her work and she doesn't even know it yet!
Much love to you all,
See you through the lens !
**Watch this space**
In the past couple of months and after listing a couple of attributes I've realised that networking is what I do best - I LOVE putting people in touch with those who can help, aid, benefit from each other.
From July 2010 I'll be starting a networking group which will be held at a venue and I'll be inviting fellow professionals and business owners to join in and share their careers and passions and hopefully my list of contacts will allow for much growth and financial gain in the lives of my friends.
I have also decided that fellow photogs are on my list of people to network with. Why should I shy away from the competition when we could work together? Today I have an appointment with wedding photographer Kat Forsyth, I am over the moon that this amazing artist and business woman hasn't only agreed to see me for coffee but has inspired me through her work and she doesn't even know it yet!
Much love to you all,
See you through the lens !
**Watch this space**
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