Saturday, October 19, 2013

Steaming Beauty

It has been so long since I took a decent, inspired photograph. I've been so busy with life that Instagram has filled the place where my trusty Nikon once did.

On a recent trip to Cullinan I found out some family history on my mum's side. Apparently my grandfather Hendrik Naude was actually South Africa's youngest steam train operator at one stage. I found this out coincidently, my mum and I stood side by side staring at the steaming black beauty in front of us when she shared this insightful titbit. 

These are some pics I've edited with a Split Toning Filter. I wanted high contrast black and white but these have grown on me. I'm thinking of putting them up in our house. What do you think of them?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Saturday Deliveries

Just a typical Saturday, prepping for deliveries to clients of completed shoot. Pics off my cellphone - What do ya think? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On a lighter note

Recently I posted a couple of pics to my blog from 3 of the shoots I did. Somehow they didn't seem to shine as brightly as I recalled them through the lens. I'm not going to delete them, instead I'm going to load the re-edited version. 

Thing is, I need your feedback. Do you like this brighter look? 

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Maccolls

Time to shine as the Maccolls take some time to play as a family on Youth Day.  You'll notice the little model and aspiring golfer as mom and dad enjoyed the laughs and sunshine.

Here is their sneak peak from the day's activities.

New Dads This Fathers Day - The Henning Shoot

Warren and Mariska shared their first Fathers Day with their extended family as well. 

We ventured with their little precious to Bryanston to take a couple of pics with Granny and Grandpa, Great Granny and the new aunties. Lots of fun was had by all!

Family Time - Patrique & Co.

New dad Patrique asked for a family shoot with both his in-laws and extended family members on his first Fathers Day - furry friends included! 

We had a little fun yesterday and here is the sneak peak from their shoot.