Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Take a leap of faith!

If you look back at your life a year ago, where were you?
Have you manifested your dreams and potentials? Have you saved that money you've been promising or bought yourself that new queen size sleigh bed you saw at last years Decorex Show?

I realised lastnight that it all starts with a leap of faith, even when you don't have a clue where to start, begin with the end in mind! We may not know what we want to do forever, but in knowing what you don't want, you'll find what you do!

I'm so blessed that I'm as driven as I am to not land up poor, unsuccessful or dependant on others to the point that I'd rather die trying than just accept mediocrity.
What have you done today to challenge your comfort zones? Have you been promising yourself that you'll get to that holiday getaway but haven't even investigated prices? If you keep doing what you're doing, I guarantee you'll keep getting what you're getting.

People that I speak to about their goals and dreams have this sense of procrastination and excuses that comes from a poverty mentally. "I don't have money", "I don't have time", "I don't know how" - my answer - begin at the beginning - start somewhere, even if its investigating the options. My big brother Robin once advised me, "Explore every opportunity" he doesn't even realise how those words have pushed me to where I am today. Get a quote, do some research, take action!

It begins with a leap of faith, even when the world tells you it can't be done, do it anyway and you'll be surprised by the results. My latest engagement shoot proved just that. I have been supported by Universal Light and Love as I persue my hearts desires. Last year I didn't even own a camera or know what I want to do with my life, today I'm receiving praises from total strangers emailing me with words of encouragement and congratulations - my passion is being recognised - recognise your passion today without limiting beliefs and take action on your dreams because tomorrow may be too late for those who are waiting for you to shine today!


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